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Tanja Baumann

Fitness Consultant

Cardiovascular (Cardio) Training, Exercise and Workouts 2

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Heart / Cardiovascular
Heart / Cardiovascular (Cardio) Circulation System
(Cardio) Circulation System


Heart Rate

Heart Rate Measurement

A heart rate monitor consisting of an arm band and watch face is used to measure your heart rate.

Fitness machines and devices with built-in receptors can also be used to measure the pulse accurately.

Find heart rate monitors, fitness machines and devices which measure your heart rate during training and exercise on the fitness equipment shopping links page and in many fitness gyms and studios.Cardiovascular (Cardio) Training, Exercise & Workouts

Resting Heart Rate :: RHR

To measure your personal resting heart rate you need to:

  1. Measure your heart rate for 60 seconds three mornings in a row before you get out of bed.
  2. Divide the sum of the three measurements you have written by 3 = your personal resting heart rate.

Maximum Heart Rate :: MHR

220 - the heart rate of a newborn child - minus your age = your target maximum heart rate range for training and exercise programs.


In a healthy body, pulse and heart rate are almost identical.

In daily speech we often refer to the pulse only as it is easy to measure.

Your physician can determine your heart rate or you can do it yourself by placing your hand with light pressure on the left side of your chest.

Imbalance in pulse and heart rate occurs in damaged or diseased arteries, e.g. when hardening of the arteries - calcification - has taken place.

Optimum Training Pulse :: OTP

Karvonen Formula

Fitness Category

  1. Beginner, recent starter, unfit * Advice
  2. Reasonably fit, exercises regularly
  3. Very fit, athlete, professional sports

* Consult your doctor before starting any training, exercise or workout program.

Pulse Check ::

A simple and reliable pulse check while you work out:

All good results take time - achieving your fitness goals will require patience, determination and perseverance.

A exercise program designed to build up your fitness level gradually over time is much more fun - training and exercise should always be fun and enjoyable - and the results are more permanent.


Training, Exercise and Workouts


Power Walking
Power Walking

Inline Skating
Inline Skating


Swimming - Cycling
Swimming / Cycling


** Consider Badminton - Squash - Tennis
Badminton, Squash and Tennis


* Definition Low Impact Aerobics
Low Impact Aerobics

Spinning - Exercise Bicycles
Spinning - Exercise Bicycles

Stairmaster - Stepper
Stairmaster - Stepper


Ergometer - Rowing Machine
Ergometer - Rowing Machine

** Think About High Impact Aerobics
High Impact Aerobics

* Low Impact Aerobics Workout Definition:
Aerobic programs in which at least one foot remains
in contact with the ground at all times during the workout.

** High impact aerobic workouts, badminton, squash and tennis,
and similar sports « stress » our feet and joints.

Both feet leave the ground when you jump in the air during these training forms.

When you land again, you do so with high impact effects on the feet and joints.

Fitness Level and Exercise Goals, Frequency, and Duration *
  1. Beginner, currently unfit
    Goal: Increase / improve fitness
  2. Exercises regularly, reasonably fit
    Goal: Maintain fitness
  3. Very fit, athlete, professional sports
    Goal: Maintain and increase
  1. Frequency: 1 / 2 x a week
    Duration: 15 / 20 minutes
  2. Frequency: 2 / 3 x weekly
    Duration: 20 / 30 minutes
  3. Frequency: 3 / 4 x per week
    Duration: ½ / 1 hour

* Pulse - Is Individual!

Cardiovascular Training, Exercise and Workouts 1 - Introduction and Why Should You Exercise?

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© Tanja Baumann | Photo: Jürg Gubler | Translation & Adaptation: John Aarsen

© Tanja Baumann 1996 - 2021