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Tanja Baumann

Fitness Consultant

Rss Feed Style Preview

You requested a feed style preview for the style sheet applied to your RSS Feed .

The URL used to generate this preview was:

Apply Your Feed CSS Code

Satisfied? Look like the display you wanted for your content?

Copy the last section of the code: &flavor=style name

Close this window and select the «Get My Code» button ang Get Your Code!

Paste the code you just copied on this page &flavor=style name to the end of the RSS Feed Code.

I forgot to do this and it took me a day to work out why my feed didn't look the way I wanted it.

Plus: Don't forget to retain the quotation mark " at the end of the main RSS Build Your Feed Code!

Copy the complete code into your web page and that's it! Done!

Really Simple Style Code, right?

Dissatisfied? Style and / or display not right?

«Get the Right Fit» for your web site RSS Feed @ Add Style to Your Feed.

Alternatively, use the form below to change the CSS Code to apply your own requirements.

Send me - John Aarsen - a copy if you'd like to (you don't have to!) and I'll add it to our RSS Feed style sheet collection.

CSS Classes

Here's a list of the pre-defined CSS Classes - style declarations / rules, what they are used for and - Most Important! - what you can declare / rule to fully meet your style requirements.

Sketch of the Pre-defined CSS Classes

  1. rss_box: Container for Your RSS Feed - border(s), fonts, colour(s), size, etc.;
  2. rss_title: RSS Channel and Link Style - extend if required with:
    1. rss_title a:link
    2. rss_title a:visited
    3. rss_title a:hover
    4. rss_title a:active
    = rollover / mouseover / hover style.
    NB: Apply in the same style rule sequence!;
  3. rss_items: Feed Items Unordered List <ul>...</ul> - padding, margins, list-style etc.;
  4. rss_item: Item Description and Title <li>...</li> - padding, margins, text-decoration, etc.;
  5. rss_item a:: Change Item Title and Link Style - apply a rule that differs from the previous declaration to a specific item in your items list;
  6. rss_date: Item posting or publishing date(s) - padding, margins, etc..


This service is completely free of charge.

As we'll be serving your code at all times, a link back would be appreciated.

Photo: Jürg Gubler

Credits: Magpie RSS Parser | GNU License

© Tanja Baumann 1996 - 2021